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Foods That Will Lull You Into A Restful Sleep
15 items
Madeline Romine
Having trouble sleeping? Try some of these foods that may help.
Cherry Juice has helped me in the past. It's very tart, so you only need about 4 ounces.
Tart Cherry Juices
Have a bowl of oatmeal that can level your blood sugar and help you sleep
Quaker Steel Cut Traditional Oats, 30 oz
String cheese is always a good snack late at night
Cubed & String Cheese in Cheese(38)
Grab a handful of almonds or throw them in with your oatmeal for added benefits!
Blue Diamond Almonds Whole Natural - 12oz
Yes! You can eat dark chocolate at night! It contains seretonin to help with sleep
Sam's Choice 90% Cocoa Swiss Dark Chocolate, 3.5 oz
Packed with magnesium, bananas are great to prevent muscle cramps and restless legs.
Marketside Fresh Organic Bananas, Bunch
Hummus contains tryptophan which can help you fall asleep
Marketside Gluten-Free Classic Hummus 10 oz, Ready to Eat, Resealable Cup
This one is pretty well known, but it does work wonderfully
Bigelow Cozy Chamomile, Caffeine-Free Herbal Tea Bags, 20 Count
Walnuts are another great source of magnesium which can help with muscle relaxation
Raw Walnuts Halves & Pieces, Unsalted, Shelled, Superior to Organic (16oz - 1 lb) By Nut Cravings
Milk is tried and true to lull you to sleep, unless you have a lactose intolerance.
Great Value 2% Reduced Fat Milk, 128 Fl Oz
Fatty fish like tuna and salmon is packed full of vitamins that can help for a restful sleep
Great Value Chunk Light Tuna in Water, 5 oz
Just a spoonful of honey can ease you into a great sleep. Even better if it's locally sourced to help with allergies!
Nature Nate's Honey: 100% Pure, Raw and Unfiltered Honey - 32 fl oz
Pineapple contains a compound that can increase melatonin to help sleep
We all know it and love it, turkey has that magical hormone tryptophan to make the eyes heavy
Butterball Frozen Turkey in Frozen Foods Department
Leafy greens including romaine, spinach and spring mix can also help you stay asleep
Marketside Organic Spinach and Spring Mix ...