Rabbits need their greens and vegetables daily, this list is for you and me to keep track of what's safe & healthy for our buns. Timothy Hay and timothy hay pellets are always our rabbits priority foods, so these greens are meant for a nutritious...
Greens & Vegetables
Fresh Herbs
Greens & Vegetables
We are looking for greens that are low in calcium and vegetables that are low in sugar. When introducing any new vegetables take it slow and have baby simethicone on hand to avoid digestive upset. Try to have variety on hand so no one green or herb i...
Romaine Lettuce is a classic safe lettuce option for your daily greens. Make sure when feeding vegetables you feed the correct proportions for your rabbits weight and remember that the more greens they eat beyond their allowance the less hay they eat...
Romaine lettuce
I would like to clarify here that the actual carrot flesh is too sugary for rabbits to eat much of at all. The image of rabbits with carrots is inaccurate for nutritional health. The greens or the carrot tops, however, are a great choice for a leafy ...
Carrot Greens
You can feed your rabbit bok choy or baby bok choy, the whole leaf and white fleshy part is safe for them, although too much of the flesh can cause gas. I like to feed my rabbit baby bok choy and I take off most of the fleshy part because he tends to...
Bok choy
Plantain leaves from the weed, --NOT the banana fruit tree-- , are great for rabbits. The Plantain weed is a small plant that can be found all over the world, leafy and nutritious.
Plantain - The Hay Experts
Parsley is a great choice for your rabbits' greens every so often. There is a bit of discrepancy in information about the calcium content of Parsley, ask your vet what's best for your bunny.
Parsley - Can Rabbits Eat Parsley? Unveiling the Culinary Delight for Bunnies
Red leaf lettuce is good for us and our rabbit family members.
Red Leaf Lettuce
Endive is a good low calcium option for daily greens. The whole leaf is safe.
Endives for Rabbits - Rabbits World
Fresh Herbs
Only ever feed fresh herbs, never dried. Alternate herbs giving each a few times a week or every other week.
Cilantro or Coriander is seemingly my rabbit's favorite herb. It is the same herb whether it is labeled Coriander or Cilantro. If you want to be certain you are choosing the right herb learn to identify it's distinct smell.
Coriander/ Cilantro
One of my rabbit's favorite herbs is oregano.
Spearmint and Peppermint are good for bunnies, just don't feed a lot because mint can cause some tummy irritation when they are consuming it too much.
19 oz. Spearmint Herb Plant (2-Pack)
Fresh Marjoram is also an herb my bunnies love.
Sweet Marjoram Herb - Indoors or Out - 3" pot
Sage is another good choice for house rabbits.
Fresh Sage
Basil is strong smelling and I think my rabbits like greens with stronger odors. Fresh basil leaves will give your rabbits some good greens and make your home smell like an Italian dinner.
Rosemary is another good herb for your rabbits. Mine can be a bit stubborn eating this one, they prefer it if it's fresh off the plant and more tender. You know how rabbits are.
All parts of fennel are safe for rabbits (and humans). Introduce it gradually and space it out between fennel feedings.
Fennel - Can Rabbits Eat Fennel - Rabbits Life
Since you will be continuously giving your rabbits fresh greens for their lifespan (after they reach the correct age) it's important to learn about their benefits and nutrition. Starting an indoor herb garden is a great idea even if you have outdoor ...
Helpful portion advice and visual examples.
Vegetables for Rabbits
All about lettuce, it's important!
What's The Best Type of Lettuce for Rabbits? — Rabbit Care Tips
Helpful general diet info as well as some more detailed info about giving greens.
If you want professional advice about your rabbits diet of course it's best to talk to their vet. If you are looking for more exotic vet options in your area maybe this list will help.
Rabbit Vets Near Me | House Rabbit Society
I am terrible at plants, this seems to make it easy and I would love to give it a try. Make sure you pick appropriate herbs to grow, the device comes with a pack but make sure it's all safe for your rabbit and choose some their favorites.