In a world that uses mostly electronics to keep up with busy lives, I'm still a stickie note girl. I have them everywhere. At my work space , by my bed, in my purse, on my end tables and in the front of my day planner. There a size and color for ever... or sticking a reminder up.
Love the large post it notes for adding to my journal for extra pages. They are also great for lists that you can hang anywhere as a reminder.
Big Notes | 3M United States
4x6 stickie notes are great when the regular size just isn't enough. And the bright colors are wonderful
Lined Sticky Notes 4X6 in Bright Ruled Post ...
These stickie notes from nature touch are great for Journaling. They add a nice touch to any journal page.
NatureTouch Sticky Notes 6 Packs, 3 x 3 Inches ...
With lots of colors and sizes these are great as page markers, marking a quote or just a colorful title or word to anything Flag Sticky Notes
The smaller Post it notes are great for calendars and journals. They are also great to use in study materials. Marking important pages and quotes.
Mini Post It Notes
Pop up stickie notes are great for desk or writing messages or just for anyone like me that uses a lot of them. You will always know where they are.
Dispensers | 3M United States
This little printer prints notes from you phone or you can just tell Alexa to print a note for you. From your phone you can print pictures, lists, messages and labels
Sticky Note Printer
Add some fun to your notes, these cute stickie notes are adorable and have great sticking power. multiple sets to choose from