Several years ago I went through a period of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks after back-to-back surgeries. I was put on a prescription to get me through that time. However, I knew I didn't want to be on this medication forever, so I began looking at different options. This is a list of supplements that I have used and found to truly help with controlling depression and anxiety.
I began walking 4-5 times a week about 2 years ago, after I retired from teaching. I found that getting up and going outside to walk, no matter what the weather, truly created the best start to my day. Being over 55, I also began to research things I should be doing for brain health. Walking was one of them. Walking in the fresh air in the mornings helps with my mood, as well as provides many health benefits.
After beginning my morning walks, I began to look for motivational shirts/sweatshirts. “Get Up and Go” became my morning motto. Sometimes it was because I didn't want to get up and go outside to walk, especially when it was below freezing. Other times it was because I was feeling depressed or just not in to it. I decided to create my own apparel/items using that motto to help myself and others find the motivation they needed.